Andy Boy Broccoli

The New American Plate

Heap your dinner plate two-thirds full with scrumptious Andy Boy Broccoli or other vegetables and fruit, as the newest strategy for preventing and surviving cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research this is a tactic for fighting off both recurrent and secondary cancers in cancer survivors. Andy Boy Broccoli contains the cell protective agent Sulforaphane that detoxify carcinogens and show them who’s boss!

That’s Amore!

Ancient Romans had a love affair with broccoli dating back to BC. The son of Roman Emperor Tiberius was so infatuated with broccoli that he forsook all other foods except broccoli ala Apicius (with a mixture of cumin, coriander seeds, chopped onion, oil and sun-made wine) for an entire month. Legend has it, his broccoli binge turned his urine bright green, making him a standout among all the gladiators.

How Broccoli Got Its Name

Those little trees with robust stalks and branches got their name from the Latin word “bracchium,” which means strong arm or branch.

A President Who Loved Broccoli

Thomas Jefferson, an avid gardener and seed collector, grew broccoli at his Virginia home, Monticello, according to his diary from May 1767.

Product Details

  • Andy Boy Broccoli contains the cell protective agent sulforaphane that detoxify carcinogens and show them who’s boss.
  • Just one cup of broccoli provides over 100 percent of your daily need for Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
  • Good source of Vitamin A, folate and potassium.



  • Premium Quality Broccoli
  • Versatile Product for Many Applications
  • Year-Round Availability
  • Exceptionally Rich Source of Vitamins

Care & Handle

  • Refrigerate Immediately: 34 – 36°F
  • Wash Before Eating