Recycling Sustainability Principles
D’Arrigo California is committed to being responsible stewards by:
- Making efficient use of resources
- Sustaining the economic viability of farmland
- Enhancing the quality of the environment and quality of life
The company is devoted to enhancing the environment and quality of life of its members through its sustainability efforts.
Recycling Sustainability Processes
Comprehensive recycling of resources used in the growing, packing and shipping of high-quality produce is a core value of D’Arrigo California and supports its guiding principles. It demonstrates corporate responsibility to reduce waste and reuse resources, while lowering the expense and energy expended by hauling waste to a landfill. Their dedication and commitment to recycling provides a positive example to others in the industry. The recycling program was designed and implemented throughout the company with the goal of getting as close as possible to recycling 100% of recyclable materials used in its growing, packing and shipping operations.
Recycling Sustainability Practices
Implementation of the recycling program at D’Arrigo California begins with senior management engaging employees at all levels to participate in the recycling efforts. Personnel at the shipping/cooling facility and ranches are trained to recognize recyclables, and to place them in the proper containers, which are conveniently located and labeled at each site. When recycling containers are full, a recycling company is contracted to transport them to their facility where materials are sorted, bundled and palletized. Some recyclables, such as irrigation drip tape, are refurbished and reused. Recycling is a daily activity for employees located at the headquarters. They are encouraged to use coffee cups and bring lunches in reusable containers. As a pilot project, personalized coffee cups were purchased for the ranch shop areas to reduce the use of paper cups. Employees are also encouraged to continue the recycle trend at home.
Recycling Container Located at D’Arrigo California Headquarters Kitchen
Recycling Sustainability Performance Metrics
The recycling program management team at D’Arrigo California summarizes the annual expenditures for hauling waste to the landfill, and tracks the monetary savings due to the reduced amount of waste. The recycling contractor provides data on the annual tonnage of recycled materials, and the results are compared from one year to the next. The results of inspections of the recycling stations at each company site for adherence to recycling protocols are reported to the management team.
Recycling Sustainability Progress
Each week, the Recycling Program Director inspects the recycling stations at all ranches, the shipping/cooling yard, and headquarters to ensure that recycling protocols are being followed. Any observed problems and actions are rectified by immediately communicating to the recycling station manager via telephone.
Subsequent inspections verify problems have been addressed, recorded and filed in a timely manner for future reference. Any contamination of recycling bins by non-recyclable materials is reported to the Program Director by the recycling contractor so that quality control can be improved.
Success of the program is gauged by the level of quality control of recycled materials, as well as by tracking the amount of materials recycled and the reduction in cost of sending non-recycled waste to the landfill.
Employee enthusiasm for the recycling program is maintained through periodic memoranda, signage, announcements at meetings, and properly labeled and conveniently located recycling receptacles.
The recycling program was designed and implemented throughout the company with the goal of getting as close as possible to recycling 100% of recyclable materials.
Recycling Container Located on D’Arrigo California Cooling and Shipping Facility